Bulletin Board
Join us for fall conferences on Wednesday, October 9th from 12:30-6:30. 6th grade teachers will be in our cafeteria, 7th grade teachers will be in the library, 8th grade teachers will be in the auditorium, and fine/applied arts will be in their classrooms. We hope to see you there!
Meals free again in 2024-25. DMPS will once again offer free meals to all students regardless of income. There is no application process. Students will be offered a free breakfast and lunch beginning on the first day of school. Meals will be provided every school day.
Snap! Connect. Snap! Connect is a two-way communication platform that translates information into the receiver’s preferred language. Please activate your Snap account: https://www.schoolcnxt.com/ If you need to re-set your Snap password you can do so at the following link: https://cloud.schoolcnxt.com/users/password/new
Attendance Reminder: If your student needs to be excused from school, please contact Hedy Woolwine at hedy.woolwine@dmschools.org or call 515-242-8101 and press 2. If you are calling after hours, please leave a message on our main line at 515-242-8101.
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